Monday 3 September 2012

Patbingsu (팥빙소) (for Michelle)

One of my favourite (of many) foods here in Korea is Patbingsu or 팥빙소. This dish is especially popular during the hot summers and consists of shaved ice, red beans (팟pat), and various toppings such as fruit, ice cream, nuts, mochi, and condensed milk. When I first heard of this I had no desire to try anything that would ruin my ice cream with beans. I've seen it with cornflakes as well. So weird. Then I thought, since I've been able to acquire a taste for kimchi, why not try this bean filled dessert. And it was delicious! I've been eating it all summer. It's refreshing on these hot, humid days, and just the right amount of sweet. We had the pleasure of sharing this Korean dish with some far travelling Canadians this past weekend and I think they enjoyed the surprisingly satisfying dessert as well. Just one of the things I will miss when I leave Korea. 

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm that does not look very appetizing. beans and ice cream??
